FAQs – Fight Traffic Ticket Violations

Do I have to appear in court ?

No. In virtually all traffic court cases, you do not have to attend your hearing if your lawyer attends for you.

Should I reschedule my case ?

No. Blindly rescheduling does not help your chances of winning. If you hire lawyers that handle traffic tickets, then the attorney may reschedule to improve your opportunity but that decision would be based on an experienced and educated analysis by your attorney.

If I get a ticket what should I do ?

Call us. We will give your information, a quote and direction. Should you retain our office we will answer the ticket on your behalf and attend any and all hearings.

What are the effects of a guilty plea or finding ?

A guilty finding could lead to points, fines, assessment fees, insurance hikes and suspensions.

How does having a lawyer help ?

An experienced and capable traffic court attorney can improve your chances of obtaining a more positive outcome through knowledge of the traffic law, the traffic court where your case is heard, and the procedures of that court. Hiring a lawyer may be the difference between a positive and negative outcome.